The History of the Original 18th Indiana
Eighteenth Indiana Light Battery.— Capts., Eli Lilly, Joseph A. Scott, Moses M. Beck. This battery was
organized at Indianapolis in the summer of 1862 and was mustered in Aug. 24. It left the state soon after for Louisville, where it was assigned to the 4th division of the 14th army corps. The battery marched to Bowling Green via Frankfort, thence to Gallatin, Tenn., and upon the occupation of Murfreesboro by Gen. Rosecrans' army it moved there. The army moved towards Tullahoma in June, 1863, the battery with its brigade (Wilder's) in the advance. The enemy was encountered at Hoover's Gap, the brigade charging and driving him through the gap upon his reserves, where he formed line of battle, but the battery opened so warm a fire that he was driven from the field. Chattanooga was reached soon after the enemy abandoned it. The battery was engaged at Chickamauga, aiding in repelling a charge of Longstreet's columns, its execution being terrible and more than flesh and blood could withstand. After the battle the battery moved up the Tennessee river for the purpose of guarding the fords, and in October it was with Crook's command in pursuit of Wheeler in the Sequatchie Valley. The enemy was found and routed at Thompson's cove, and three days later he was again overtaken and a sharp fight ensued in which the battery vigorously shelled the Confederates' position, driving them through McMinnville in confusion.
It moved to Huntsville, Ala., but retraced its steps, and after the battle of Missionary Ridge it was sent with its division to the relief of Gen. Burnside at Knoxville, being engaged at Mossy creek, Fair Garden, and Dandridge. Capt. Lilly was promoted major of the 9th Ind. cavalry in April, 1864, and Lieut.Beck succeeded to the command. In May the battery marched with Sherman's army in the Atlanta campaign being engaged at Resaca, Stilesboro, Cassville, Lost Mountain, Vining's bridge, Newnan, Hopkinsville and West Point, and after the evacuation of Atlanta joined in the pursuit of Hood, proceeding to Nashville. Moving to Hopkinsville, Ky., it was in an engagement with the enemy. From there it marched to Eastport, Miss., and from there with Wilson's command to Selma, Ala., engaging the enemy there, and then took part in the raid through Alabama and Georgia to West Point and Macon, where the enemy was defeated and a large quantity of military stores destroyed. It then returned to Chattanooga, thenceto Nashville, from which city it moved for Indianapolis June 23, 1865, with 3 officers and 180 men. It was mustered out June 30, 1865. The battery left for the field with 151 men and officers and received 45 recruits. In Nov., 1864, 65 men of the 11th Ind. battery were transferred to the 18th. Thirty-two were killed or died of disease and 26 were discharged for disability.
This history was taken from "The Union Army" by Federal Publishing Company, 1908 - Volume 3
The Battery of Today
How we are preserving and interpreting the incredible history of the Civil War
Established in 2011, the new 18th Indiana Light Artillery was created by Captain Mike Smith with a 10 Pound Parrot Rifle. In 2017, a 12 Pound Mountain Howitzer joined the unit with Captain Joe Snell. We also showcase a vast collection of weaponry thanks to Mike Marsh, including a Gatling Machine Gun
The 18th Indiana Light Artillery now travels across the Midwest both north and south, interpreting and recreating the Drill, Uniforms, and way of life of the men and women of the Civil War. We strive for complete historical accuracy, and look to create an incredible, and interactive experience for all of our visitors, and members.
With more than 30 members, we are always working for the betterment of others, and the continued preservation of our incredible Hoosier History. We work with historical societies, museums, organizations, and schools to provide first hand experiences for everyone!