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Join us today!

We are always looking for new members to fill our ranks, and welcome any and all peoples, no matter backgrounds or gender. When joining us, you will be a part of something bigger - a group effort to preserve and interpret the most influential and turbulent time in our nation's history. Our efforts take place on many different fronts, with participation in events across the country, working with museums and historical societies, film companies, schools, and private organizations. Your participation will allow us to explore more of our amazing history, and share it with others.


Contact us today for more information, and for any questions. We will work with you as well as we can to help you get started. We will loan you a uniform, a tent, and help to make your first reenactment an incredible experience!

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Join 18th Indiana Light Artillery

Come Take Part in Preserving Our Incredible History

We are looking for new members to join our ranks. Fill the form below for more information. We look forward to hearing from you!

Thanks for applying! We’ll be in touch soon.

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